Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Photographing Models

I guess one of the biggest pleasures of professional photography, for me, is working with photographic models. Not a surprise I guess.

I have been a professional photographer for 30 years and the days that I remember are the fun filled energy packed days working with a model. In my experience models generally have a full of life attitude, happy to try new things, willing to go the extra mile to get a great shot

ie climbing a tree

or wearing swimwear on a freezing cold January day, This Brave model even offered to actually dive in!! We were surrounded by members of the public who were wrapped up for a winters day stamping their feet and rubbing their hands.
mark baigent photo

There are times when the model needs to trust the photographer and this trust is gained by always respecting your model. To me that means no inappropriate remarks, no touching, accepting that some models feel the need for a chaperone on a first shoot with a photographer. You will get the best photographs when a model feels comfortable.

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